NAC Sponsorship Information

Sponsoring the National Airports Conference places your company in front of decision makers and positioned visibly at the top events of the conference. No other sponsorship gets you the exposure with these types of attendees. We have a diverse range of sponsorships to fit nearly any budget. See sponsorship opportunities below. 

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Sponsor’s Right of First Refusal:

In recognition of the sponsoring company’s support of the National Airports Conference, AAAE agrees that with respect to the following year, companies with EXCLUSIVE sponsorship will have the right of first refusal over all other potential sponsors for the same sponsorship of the same event or item, in the subsequent year.

Sponsoring companies are eligible for this right of first refusal to renew their sponsorship only if the company has exclusively sponsored an event; however, the benefits and consideration of the sponsorship may be renegotiated as necessary. Sponsor shall have 120 days following the conclusion of the National Airports Conference to renew their sponsorship for the following year. If the sponsoring company fails to notify AAAE of its intention to renew its sponsorship within the 120-day period, AAAE reserves the right to open the opportunity to the public without providing prior notice to the previous year’s sponsoring company.