Training and Certification
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  2. Training and Certification

What happens if I have earned my A.A.E. and I leave the airport?

Your membership will be reclassified to Executive Inactive, unless you have been an Executive member in good standing for at least 12 years. You will need to continue to pay individual dues to use your A.A.E. As an executive inactive member, you are still able to use the designation, however you would not have voting rights in AAAE or be eligible for the A.A.E. scholarships. You should continue to enter in CEUs in case you go back to an airport at some point. If you return to an airport in less than three years, then as long as your membership stays current and your CEUs are filled, you can go back to Executive status immediately. If you are out of airports for more than 3 years, then you would return as an Affiliate member and submit a reinstatement request to the Accreditation Dept to pass onto the BOE Chair. Each Chair establishes a process for returning to active status. Should you decide not to continue your membership, then you would not be able to use the A.A.E. designation and will need to undergo a conversation with the BOE to reinstate your A.A.E. if you do return at a later date. Email for more information.