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Welcome to USCTA

We created the U.S. Contract Tower Association (USCTA) in 1996 to promote FAA’s Contract Tower Program and to enhance aviation safety at smaller airports. USCTA coordinates contract tower issues on a regular basis with Congress, DOT/FAA, NTSB, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), and the DOT IG. The association holds an annual conference in Washington, DC, allowing members to receive timely updates on the program directly from the FAA officials who administer it.

The primary advantages of FAA’s Contract Tower Program are enhanced safety, improved ATC services, and significant VFR ATC cost savings to FAA. A DOT Inspector General audit of the FAA Contract Tower Program, released Nov. 5, 2012, concluded that FAA contract towers continue to provide cost-effective and safe air traffic control services and operate at a lower cost than similar FAA-operated towers.

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To learn more about USCTA or to become a member, contact:

Brad Van Dam

Brad Van Dam
Senior Vice President, Government Affairs

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