Join Us Today!
Networking Opportunities
- Complimentary registration for the hosting/sponsoring airport executives
- Exposure to top airport executives and peers at meetings and seminars
- Registration discounts for AAAE events and trainings
- Access to online Membership and Corporate Member Directory for both IAAE and AAAE
- Access to the Hub, a community where airport professionals around the world discuss issues affecting our industry
Vital Industry Information
- Free Subscription to Aviation News Today, a compilation of aviation stories from around the world, sent electronically every business day
- Free Subscription to Airport Magazine
- Save up to 50% off a regular subscription to Aviation Week and Space Technology, one of the leading weekly magazines for aviation and aerospace professionals
- Online access to publications before they are released
Training Opportunities
- Discounts on seminars and workshops
- Access to state-of-the-art training programs, including the International Aerodrome Certified Employee (IACE) course.
IAAE Affiliate Member
Open to any individual who has active full time responsibility for the management, administration, or staff functions of a public airport.
IAAE Associate Member
Open to individuals who have an interest in airports and aviation and do not fall into any of the other specified membership categories.
IAAE Corporate Membership
Open to public or private companies and corporations who serve airports and want to increase exposure and contact with the global airport community.