Airport Alert: FAA Announces Application Process for Contract Tower AirportsApril 15, 2022
The FAA announced April 15 that the agency has officially opened the application process for contract tower airports seeking infrastructure funds to upgrade sponsor-owned air traffic control towers. The move opens the door for 156 contract tower airports to compete for additional federal infrastructure funds in Fiscal Year 2022.
There is a short turn around for contract tower airports that are interested in applying for funds to upgrade their sponsor-owned ATC towers in this new competitive grant program. According to a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), eligible contract tower airports must submit their application by Monday, May 16 at 5:00 Eastern Time.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
As we have previously reported, the bipartisan infrastructure law (BIL) includes a total of $25 billion for aviation over five years. Of that amount, $15 billion is for airport infrastructure grants, $5 billion is for airport terminal projects, and $5 billion is for FAA facilities and equipment.
AAAE and USCTA successfully convinced Congress to provide at least $300 million over five years for airports that participate in the FAA Contract Tower Program to upgrade aging air traffic control towers -- $100 million for sponsor-owned towers and $200 million for FAA-owned facilities.
The $100 million for airport-owned ATC towers comes from the airport infrastructure grants category, and the $200 million for FAA-owned facilities comes from the F&E category. Contract tower airports can also compete for ATC funds for sponsor-owned ATC facilities in the airport terminal category.
Airport Infrastructure Grants
The announcement deals with the $20 million set aside for contract tower airports to upgrade their sponsor-owned ATC towers in FY22. In a note to airport sponsors, FAA Associate Administrator for Airports Shannetta Griffin, P.E., outlined how provisions in the BIL will aid contract tower airports:
'The FAA will fund projects that sustain, construct, repair, improve, modernize, replace or relocate airport-owned towers and install communications equipment,' Griffin wrote. 'Grants awarded under this program are at a 100 percent federal participation.'
In separate information on the FAA Contract Tower Program Competitive Grant Program the agency indicated that it intends to use these funds to help with the administration's environmental initiatives:
'The FAA is looking to award projects that align with the President's greenhouse gas reduction goals, promote energy efficiency, support fiscally responsible land use and transportation efficient design, support development compatible with the use of sustainable aviation fuels and technologies, increase climate resilience, incorporate sustainable pavement and construction materials as allowable, and reduce pollution.'
Application Process
According to the FAA Contract Tower Program NOFO, 'airport sponsors that wish to be considered for FY 2022 FCT Competitive Grant Program funding should submit an application that meets the requirements of this NOFO as soon as possible, but no later than 5:00 pm Eastern time, May 16, 2022.'
In her note to airport sponsors, Griffin also indicated that those contract tower airports that recently submitted applications to upgrade their ATC towers through the separate Airport Development Program do not need to reapply. The FAA also noted that applicants should expect to hear whether their project will be selected for funding in July.
More Information
• FAA Press Release
• FAA Contract Tower Program Competitive Grant Program
• List and Map of Eligible Contract Tower Airports
• Notice of Funding Opportunity for Contract Tower Airports
• Form 5100-144