Action Alert: FAA Reauthorization Survey
September 30, 2021
As we discussed at the AAAE Board/PRC meeting in Savannah and on our recent weekly calls, AAAE Chair Larry Krauter has asked the Federal Affairs Committee and other AAAE committees to put together a list of issues and recommendations for the next FAA reauthorization bill by November 5th.
To help with this assignment, Federal Affairs Committee leadership tasked staff to put together a preliminary list of policy options for committee members to consider. We have compiled a survey to get your input on those initial options and to solicit your own recommendations for the next FAA bill.
Federal Affairs Committee Survey: The Federal Affairs Committee survey is broken down into several categories and will ask you to indicate whether you support or oppose various proposals. At the end of each section, you will have the chance to submit your own recommendations and cite your own priorities.
The survey asks for your view on about 60 policy proposals and will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Unfortunately, you cannot save your answers and review them later, so please be prepared to complete the survey in one sitting. We are asking members to complete the survey by COB Monday, October 25th.
Please keep in mind that other AAAE committees are conducting a similar exercise, so this is not a complete list of issues we hope to tackle as part of FAA reauthorization. You'll see the survey includes placeholders for recommendations from other committees including the Air Service and General Aviation Committees as well as the PFAS Working Group.
As part of this process, we expect to receive additional recommendations on a variety of topics including GA, PFAS, UAS, AAM, etc. We also realize that there will be some inevitable crossover among AAAE committees.
Next Steps: The issues and recommendations reports from the Federal Affairs Committee and other committees will be assembled into a "Master FAA Reauthorization Playbook" to be further coordinated with the AAA Executive Committee, Federal Affairs Committee, and AAAE staff prior to being reviewed and discussed in detail at the AAAE Board/PRC meeting in Hawaii on January 9, 2022.
We value your input and appreciate you taking time to complete the survey. Your feedback is critical at this point in the process and as we move forward to further refine the FAA reauthorization "playbook" in accordance with the schedule Chair Krauter has established. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.