Security Policy Alert: TSA Resource Allocation Plan for Fiscal Year 2021 (RAP21)

October 22, 2020

Today, TSA's Security Operations provided AAAE additional details on the agency's Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) for Fiscal Year 2021. The RAP21 was provided to Federal Security Directors on October 6 to share the process and general allocation details with stakeholders. FSDs have until October 31 to ensure airport staffing plans are updated to support RAP21 allocations for the first quarter (Q1) and submitted to TSA headquarters. 

Following are highlights of the significant changes and adjustment made by TSA for this fiscal year's RAP.

Process Timeline - The most significant change for the FY21 RAP process is the transition to quarterly allocation letters. This will ensure TSA can react and adjust to today's dynamic COVID-19 operating environment. 

Updated Staffing Models - Q1 allocations incorporate updated flight schedules and volume projections with significant growth over current volume levels. Current throughput data was utilized to evaluate current checkpoint configurations and hours of operation. 

Rates and Staffing Standards - Wait time goals were reduced and Infection Control Monitor (ICM) positions were added in FY21 as a result of COVID-19. These two changes drove an increased staffing requirement compared to normal operations, offsetting a great deal of the savings that would have been present due to decreased volume. 

ATLAS - ATLAS allocation remains at the elevated RAP20 Q4 levels across all airports. This allocation was increased due to the COVID-19 risk assessments and provides all airports with dedicated ATLAS funding. 

Transportation Security Manager (TSM) Allocations - TSM allocation ratios from FY20 carried over to FY21. As a result of decreased staffing requirements, TSM allocations have decreased for initial allocations. Airports will be expected to maintain current TSM staffing levels until attrition occurs. 

Updated Staffing Models - New, more comprehensive staffing models have been developed for FSD Staff and Compliance work. These models are being vetted and results will be included in Q2 allocations. 

TSSE and Canine - Allocation models for explosive officers and canines were updated with refreshed data. Allocations held at FY20 allocated levels to maintain capabilities not easily replaced when volume returns. 

Again, TSA is updating its RAP21 on a quarterly basis this year and will be sending out Q2 allocations letters in December, Q3 in March and Q4 in June. 

At AAAE's request, TSA Security Operations will be providing an overview of RAP21 on the next monthly TSA conference call for airport stakeholders, which is scheduled for November 5 at 1 p.m. ET. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any additional information.