Security Policy Alert: TSA Data Call on Cybersecurity Coordinators

February 9, 2022

As discussed on today's AAAE Transportation Security Services Committee call, TSA has asked AAAE to help distribute a brief survey about cybersecurity coordinators and potential security clearance requests. Please see the following note from TSA and a link to the brief questionnaire

TSA is asking airport operators to answer a 2 minute questionnaire related to TSA-NA-21-05 Cybersecurity Incident Reporting. TSA is interested to know how many cybersecurity and alternate cybersecurity coordinators may submit a request for a clearance. A clearance is not a requirement to hold the position; only that the individual be eligible to obtain one. This information will allow TSA to plan and prioritize the issuance of clearances for cybersecurity coordinators.

Airport operators may receive the survey more than once but only one response is needed. The survey is voluntary and will remain open through Friday, February 18, 2022.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact AAAE if you have any questions or need any additional information.