Security Policy Alert: National Alternative Measure 1542-20-03
February 26, 2021
TSA has issued an extension to National Alternative Measure (AM) 1542-20-03 through to June 30, 2021. The National AM, which is effective as of March 1, provides temporary relief for airport operators for badging and employee identification requirements found in Security Directive 1542-04-08Q and Security Directive 1542-18-01B. The National AM 1542-20-03D has been posted on HSIN.
As a reminder, TSA also recently posted a proposed Airport Security Program amendment to TSA National Amendment 14-01 to include cybersecurity incidents as part of the incident and suspicious activities reporting requirements for airport operators. Comments to proposed TSA NA 1542-14-01A are due on April 5, 2021.
In addition, TSA has also posted an update to the Rap Back user guide on HSIN. Look for Version 2.3 of the TSA Rap Back User Guide for Airport and Aircraft Operators under New Postings and the Rap Back conference.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any further information.