Security Policy Alert: TSA Conference Call on Aviation Worker Screening, Thursday, May 4, 1 p.m. ET

May 2, 2023

TSA will host a conference call for airport operators on Thursday, May 4 at 1:00 p.m. ET to discuss the recently issued Airport Security Program (ASP) amendment on aviation worker screening. TSA initially planned to host a call on Wednesday but decided to use the existing timeslot for the monthly TSA conference calls for airport stakeholders on Thursday, May 4 at 1 p.m. ET. The call-in information remains the same as the monthly calls; the call-in number is 1 800 857 5826 and the passcode is 959678

On April 27, TSA issued as final TSA-NA-23-02, Aviation Worker Screening. The amendment requires Category X, I and II to conduct ransom physical or technology-based screening of aviation workers at direct access points from the public area to the sterile or secure areas of the main terminal as of September 25, 2023. The amendment also requires covered airports to submit an Explosives Detection Screening Equipment (EDSE) implementation plan no later than October 27, 2024, or 18 months after issuance. The amendment requires the use of EDSE for the screening of aviation workers no later than 36 months after issuance, or April 27, 2026.

AAAE continues to have conversations with both TSA leadership and Members of Congress about the challenges and cost of implementation of the aviation worker screening requirements. We will be submitting questions and concerns in advance of the Thursday call to ensure the time is spent productively and collaboratively. Please provide your questions and feedback regarding the final ASP amendment as well as the disposition of comments to us as soon as possible prior to Thursday, May 4.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any additional information.