Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues Bulletin Addressing STA Processing Delays

June 14, 2021

TSA has posted a bulletin on the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) addressing the increase in Security Threat Assessment (STA) processing times. The bulletin states that, given the increased volume of STA applications for aviation workers and vetting requirements across all transportation modes, STA applications that require any manual adjudication can take up to 30 or more days. The bulletin also includes advice to airport operators to submit all required data and documentation as part of the initial application and to submit applications as far in advance as possible to avoid delays. Specifically, TSA encourages all applicants to enroll or renew at least 60 days before they require a STA. 

The bulletin states that TSA will continue to monitor STA processing times and prioritize resources to minimize extended processing times. AAAE is working closely with TSA leadership in both Enrollment Services and Vetting Programs and Policy, Plans and Engagement to ensure STA applications for aviation workers are processed in a timely manner, especially given the current hiring and staffing challenges across the aviation system, and, if not, mitigation measures can be put in place to minimize negative impacts on airport operations.

We will keep you updated as we continue to monitor the situation.