Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues Administrator's Intent 2.0
June 23, 2020
Today, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) released the Administrator's Intent phase two (AI 2.0), which builds off of the content of the original Administrator's Intentreleased in 2018 and outlines key objectives to continuously improve security and safeguard the nation's transportation systems. The second AI takes into account lessons learned thus far from the agency's ongoing response to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and provides needed flexibility and resiliency in identified goals and objectives through fiscal year 2022.
Through the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC), AAAE was able to provide feedback and suggestions on the focus of AI 2.0. To ensure that all government and industry partners' voices were heard and incorporated during the development of AI 2.0, TSA collaborated closely with the men and women of TSA, aviation and surface transportation industry partners, Congressional oversight committees, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The outcome of this effort is a prioritized list of objectives that reflect the challenges, perceptions and priorities of more than 400 stakeholders across the transportation system and incorporates applicable cross-agency priorities identified by DHS and the Office of Management and Budget.
The AI 2.0 addresses tangible security threats across seven broad categories: insider risk, surface transportation, checkpoint strategies, workforce support, cybersecurity, outcome-oriented policy management, and utilization of TSA's security authorities. The new objectives represent priorities for implementation through fiscal year 2022 as well as the steps to guide the TSA workforce to safeguard all modes of transportation by raising the baseline of aviation security.
Please click here to read the full Administrator's Intent 2.0.