The Latest From Washington

Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Passes FY22 Spending Package After Removing COVID Funding Provisions

TSA has just announced that at the recommendation of the CDC the mask mandate in the aviation environment and across transportation hubs and public transportation has been extended by one month through April 18.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Passes FY22 Spending Package, Sending Measure to President

The Senate has just joined the House in approving a final fiscal year 2022 omnibus spending package that funds the federal government through September.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: SkyWest Provides Notice of Intent to Eliminate Essential Air Service to 29 Communities

SkyWest today provided the DOT with a 90-day notice of intent to terminate EAS to 29 communities in 15 states.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Passes FY22 Spending Package After Removing COVID Funding Provisions

Efforts to approve the $1.5 trillion FY22 omnibus appropriations package were delayed throughout the day today over objections related to Covid funding in the measure and proposed spending reductions to accommodate that funding.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Final FY22 Spending Package Filed for House and Senate Consideration; Good News on Airport Priorities in Final Agreement

House and Senate appropriations leaders filed a 2741-page, $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package that provides funding across the government for the remainder of the fiscal year that runs through September.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA to Host Webinar Update on BIL Implementation

FAA announced that they will be hosting a live webinar event detailing the latest information on the agency’s effort to implement BIL.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Summary of TSA's Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders on March 3, 2022. The conference call was led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE).


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Committee Advances TSA Legislation on Firearms and Computed Tomography

The House Homeland Security Committee advanced twelve bills related to transportation security, cybersecurity, and grant programs to the full House of Representatives for consideration.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases BIL Implementation FAQs for Airports

FAA has released a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that provides information for airport sponsors on the $20 billion that FAA is administering for airport infrastructure improvements under Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Draft Guidance on AAM Vertiport Design

FAA released draft Engineering Brief (EB) No. 105, “Vertiport Design,” that provides interim guidance to airport operators for the design of vertiports to support electric vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) operations.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues New Advisory Cybersecurity Information Circulars due to Escalating Risks

TSA posted to HSIN two new advisory cybersecurity Information Circulars (ICs) and a joint cybersecurity advisory on mitigating Russian state-sponsored cyber threats due to the escalating risks.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Cybersecurity Advisory on Malicious Iranian Government-Sponsored Cyber Operations

The CISA, the FBI, the U.S. CNMF, and the United Kingdom’s NCSC-UK published a joint Cybersecurity Advisory on an observed group of Iranian government-sponsored APT actors, known as MuddyWater.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issued FAQs on Cyber Incident Reporting Requirements

TSA issued frequently asked questions FAQs about cybersecurity incident reporting on HSIN for airport and aircraft operators.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: AAAE Joins New Initiative to Accelerate Transition to Unleaded Aviation Gasoline

AAAE joined the FAA and groups from the aviation and petroleum industries to announce the creation of the Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) initiative...


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Unclassified Call on Russian-Ukranian Tensions and Implications on U.S. Critical Infrastructure

TSA and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have asked AAAE to share the following invitation to participate in an unclassified teleconference hosted by CISA on Thursday, February 24, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce the Preventing PFAS Runoff at Airports Act

Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) and a bipartisan group of senators have introduced legislation that would incentivize airports to purchase equipment to safely test firefighting equipment without discharging PFAS-containing aqueous film forming foam (AFFF).


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Notice of Funding Opportunity for Airport Terminal Grant Program

FAA released the much-anticipated “notice of funding opportunity” (NOFO) that outlines how airports can apply for a share of the approximately $1 billion in FY22 discretionary funds under the newly established Airport Terminal Program (ATP)...


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA to Begin Sending Record Delete Notifications

TSA has developed a new “delete notification” that will be used to notify Designated Aviation Channelers (DACs)—and subsequently, the Airport or Aircraft Operators—that a specified aviation worker case is being marked for deletion.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: CISA List of Free Cybersecurity Services and Tools

TSA has asked AAAE to help to distribute the following message from DHS' CISA to airport security and cybersecurity coordinators...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Passes Continuing Resolution Extending Federal Funding Through March 11

The Senate voted to approve the House-passed CR that extends funding for the federal government, which was set to expire tomorrow night, through March 11.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Administrator Steve Dickson Plans to Depart Agency

FAA Administrator Steve Dickson plans to resign from the agency on March 31, according to Bloomberg and other news reports.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: CISA Issues "Shields-Up" Message to Critical Infrastructure Operators

TSA has asked AAAE to help to distribute the following message to airport security and cybersecurity coordinators...


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Data Call on Cybersecurity Coordinators

As discussed on today's AAAE Transportation Security Services Committee call, TSA has asked AAAE to help distribute a brief survey about cybersecurity coordinators and potential security clearance requests.


Airport Affairs

Appropriations Update: House Committee Leaders Unveil Bill to Extend Federal Funding to March 11

House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) released text of H.R. 6617, another short-term continuing resolution (CR) that proposes to extend funding for the federal government through March 11.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Summary of TSA's Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders on Feb. 3, 2022. The conference call was led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE).
