The Latest From Washington

Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Biden Administration Updates Guidance on Federal Contractor Vaccination Requirements

The Biden Administration’s Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (Task Force) updated its guidance for federal contractors that are required to ensure their employees and subcontractors are vaccinated.


Airport Affairs

Washington Update: House Democrats Punt on Infrastructure Vote, Again

As the week draws to a close, we wanted to highlight where things stand in the nation’s capital.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: AAAE Outlines Airport Questions and Concerns Regarding Federal Contractor Vaccination Requirements

AAAE directed a letter to the FAA, copying the GSA and TSA, outlining a series of questions and concerns that have been raised by our airport members regarding the application of Executive Order 14042, often referred to as the federal contractor...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: White House Releases New Reconciliation Framework in Attempt to Unlock Infrastructure Vote

The White House released a slimmed-down, $1.75 trillion reconciliation framework in the hope that the compromised package will appease both moderate and progressive Democrats, and thereby unlock a vote in the House on the Senate-passed...


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Proposes to Designate SMS Data as 'Protected Information'

The FAA released a proposal to designate reports, data, and other information created as part of a SMS as “protected information” when the information is voluntarily provided to FAA.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Additional Details Announced for Resumption of International Travel on November 8th

The White House released additional details that will permit fully vaccinated non-U.S. citizens to resume traveling to the United States on November 8, 2021


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: FAA Reauthorization Survey Reminder

This is a quick reminder that we are asking Federal Affairs Committee members to please complete our FAA reauthorization survey by COB Monday, October 25th.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: EPA Releases Strategic Roadmap on PFAS

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a new “PFAS Strategic Roadmap” that lays out the EPA's whole-of-agency approach to confronting and addressing PFAS contamination nationwide.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Appropriations Committee Unveils FY22 Spending Bills

Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Patrick Leahy (D-VT) this afternoon released nine spending bills for FY22 that include proposed funding for the DOT, DHS, and a long list of airport priorities.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: International Travel to Resume on November 8th

The White House announced that it is lifting the 212f travel restrictions and permitting fully vaccinated non-U.S. citizens to resume traveling to the United States on November 8, 2021.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Monthly Conference Call Summary for October 2021

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders. The conference call was led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE).


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: New Cybersecurity Measures Announced for Transportation Sector

During opening remarks at a cybersecurity summit, DHS Secretary Ali Mayorkas announced new cyber-related requirements for the transportation sector to ensure the transportation sector as a whole is prepared and resilient.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: White House Releases Proposed Rulemaking to Revise NEPA Regulations

The White House’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) released a proposed rulemaking to revise several key provisions of the regulations that govern environmental reviews performed pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Monthly Call Reminder and TSA Checkpoint Requirements and Planning Guide

TSA has released the 2021 edition of the Checkpoint Requirements and Planning Guide (CRPG). The document has been posted on the TSA's public website at


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: DOT Announces $479.1 Million in Supplemental AIP Grants for 95 Airports

DOT announced the award of $479.1 million in supplemental discretionary grants as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Airport Improvement Program (AIP).


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases CertAlert on Part 139 Extinguishing Agent Requirements

With a congressional deadline for the FAA to approve a PFAS-free alternative to AFFF having arrived today, the agency this afternoon released a Part 139 CertAlert outlining three avenues that a Part 139 certificated airport can pursue to gain FAA rev


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: FAA Reauthorization Survey

AAAE Chair Larry Krauter has asked the Federal Affairs Committee and other AAAE committees to put together a list of issues and recommendations for the next FAA reauthorization bill by November 5th.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Congress Acts to Avert Government Shutdown; Path for Infrastructure Bill Uncertain

The Senate has just passed a “clean” stopgap bill that funds the government through December 3 without addressing the upcoming debt ceiling deadline or extending expiring highway programs.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues Final ASP Amendment to Make Rap Back Program Mandatory

TSA issued as final an Airport Security Program (ASP) amendment to require airport operators to participate in the Rap Back program.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Budget Committee Approves Multi-Trillion Dollar Reconciliation Package

In a rare Saturday session, the House Budget Committee met this afternoon and favorably reported on a 20-17 vote a nearly 2,500 page, multi-trillion dollar reconciliation package that assembles a wide array of tax and spending proposals from 13 separ


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: AAAE Responds to FAA's Reopened Comment Period for Airport SMS Rulemaking

AAAE responded to the FAA reopened comment period for the rulemaking on airport SMS. In the comments filed today, AAAE emphasized the need for FAA to ensure they work collaboratively with industry on implementation of any new SMS regulatory requireme


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Part 139 CertAlert on Response Planning for Unauthorized UAS Operations

FAA released a Part 139 CertAlert informing Part 139 airport operators that airport emergency plans (AEP) should include instructions for responding to unauthorized UAS operations in the airport environment.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Reschedules Working Session for Airports on Unruly Passengers

FAA directed an invitation to all Part 139 airports to participate in a rescheduled virtual discussion on ways to respond to an increasing number of unruly passenger incidents that have occurred this year.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: DOT Announces $431.8 Million in AIP Grants for 60 Airports

DOT announced the award of $431.8 million in airport grants as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Airport Improvement Program (AIP).


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Passes Stopgap Funding Bill, but Threat of a Government Shutdown Remains

The House passed a CR that would temporarily fund the federal gov't through Dec. 3, suspend the debt ceiling and provide supplemental funding for disaster relief. The CR now goes to the Senate, where it faces strong, political headwinds.
