The Latest From Washington

Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases List of Over $967 Million in FY23 Airport Terminal Program Grants

FAA releases a list of airport projects that will receive a share of over $967 million in fiscal year 2023 discretionary grants under the Airport Terminal Program.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Publishes Airport SMS Final Rule; Establishes Implementation Deadlines for Part 139 Airports

FAA publishes the airport safety management system (SMS) final rule in the Federal Register, which provides Part 139 certificated airports with more clarity on specific deadlines.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Airport SMS Final Rule

FAA releases the final rule on airport safety management systems (SMS), which will require about half of all Part 139 certificated airports to establish an SMS for the entire airfield environment within the next 4 to 5 years.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Reach Out to Your Lawmakers on FAA Reauthorization Priorities

It is important that we act quickly to share reauthorization priorities broadly and specific to your airport with both the Senate Commerce and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committees.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: AAAE Urges FAA to Extend Deadline for Retrofitting Altimeters to Ensure Safe Operations in 5G C-Band Environment

AAAE submits comments in response to the FAA's proposed rule that would create deadlines for airlines to retrofit their airplanes’ radio altimeters to ensure safe operations in a 5G C-Band environment.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Draft Policy on Air Carrier Incentive Programs

FAA releases a draft policy that would provide guidance to airports on how to determine if its Air Carrier Incentive Program complies with federal grant obligations.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Summary of TSA's Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders on February 2, 2023. The conference call was led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE).


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Transportation Committee Organizes and Sets Roster for Aviation Subcommittee

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee holds its initial organizational hearing to formally agree on its rules and membership for the new Congress.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Announces Deadlines for Use of FY23 AIP Entitlement Funds

FAA announces deadlines for submitting a notice of intent and final grant application for the use of entitlement funds that are available under the Airport Improvement Program for fiscal year 2023.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Passes NOTAM Improvement Act

Following the outage of FAA’s Notice to Air Missions system that grounded flights across the country earlier this month, the House passes H.R. 346, the NOTAM Improvement Act.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: AAAE/ACI-NA Share FAA Reauthorization Recommendations With House and Senate Committee Leaders

AAAE and ACI-NA have shared their list of joint recommendations for the next FAA reauthorization bill with key committee leaders in the House and Senate.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: DOD Releases New Fluorine-Free Firefighting Foam Performance Standards

The Department of Defense and U.S. Navy released new performance standards for fluorine-free foam (F3) fire-extinguishing agents, a significant milestone.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Lifts Nationwide Ground Stop After NOTAM System Outage; Asks Airports to Review Recently Issued NOTAMs

FAA lifts a nationwide ground stop after the agency experienced an overnight outage to its Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) system.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Proposes Deadlines for Retrofitting Airplane Altimeters to Ensure Safe Operations in 5G C-Band Environment

FAA releases a proposed rule that would create mandatory deadlines for airlines to retrofit their radio altimeters to ensure their airplanes can safely conduct low-visibility operations in a 5G C-Band environment.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: No TSA Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders and Upcoming Schedule

TSA will not host its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders on January 5.


Airport Affairs

FAA Update: Phil Washington Reportedly to be Renominated to Administrator Post; Winsome Lenfert to Leave Office of Airports

Several media outlets are reporting that President Biden intends to renominate Phil Washington, CEO of Denver International, to serve as FAA administrator.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Notice of Funding Opportunity for FY22 Supplemental Discretionary Grants

FAA releases the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) that outlines how airports can apply for a share of approximately $268.7 million in FY22 supplemental discretionary grant funding.


Airport Affairs

House Passes FY23 Spending Package, Sending Bill to President and Bringing the 117th Congress to a Close

The House today joined the Senate in approving H.R. 2617, the final FY23 omnibus spending package that funds the federal government through September of next year.


Airport Affairs

Senate Approves FY23 Spending Package; Bill Now Goes to the House for Final Passage

The Senate passes the final, $1.7 trillion Fiscal Year 2023 omnibus spending package by a bipartisan vote of 68 to 29.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Final FY23 Spending Package Filed for House and Senate Consideration; Good News on Airport Priorities in Final Agreement

House and Senate appropriations leaders filed a 4,155-page, $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package that includes a long list of airport priorities.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Lame Duck Update

As Congress painstakingly works to finish the remaining items on its end-of-year to-do list, we wanted to provide an update on where things stand on issues important to airports.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Melanie Harvey Named TSA Executive Assistant Administrator for Security Operations

TSA has named Melanie Harvey as the new Executive Assistant Administrator for Security Operations.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Agreement on Final FY23 Spending Framework Reached; One-Week CR Needed to Finalize Package

House and Senate Appropriations Committee leaders have come to an agreement on a bipartisan, bicameral framework for an FY23 omnibus spending package.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House and Senate Release Text for Final Defense Bill With a Few Notable Airport Provisions

The House and Senate Armed Services Committees released their final, negotiated version of the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with a few notable airport provisions.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues UAS Incident Reporting Requirement for Airport Operators

TSA issues the final Airport Security Program (ASP) amendment TSA-NA-14-01B, Incidents and Suspicious Activities Reporting.
