AAAE/ Northeast Chapter AAAE International Aviation Basic Snow Academy

April 26-27, 2025 | Buffalo, NY









About the Course

The International Aviation Basic Snow Academy is designed to provide Airport Operators guidance to implement a well-rounded approach to their winter operations training needs.

The information contained within this course reflects the current FAA Advisory Circulars pertaining to (AC) 150/5210-20 Ground Vehicle Operations on Airports, AC 150/5200-30 Airport Winter Safety and Operations, AC 150/5220-20 Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment, FAR Part 139 Certification of Airports, and actual Airport Snow and Ice Control Plans.

This course is intended to educate the Airport Equipment Operator, Airport Operations Specialist, and other individuals performing Snow and Ice Control Measures on Airports. The information contained within is to provide each attendee sufficient knowledge of the following:

  1. Human Factors that impact safety and efficiencies during winter operations.
  2. The applicable regulations for Snow and Ice Control measures at FAR Part 139 Certificated and now certificated airports.
  3. The Chemical and aggregate available to airports. How they are applied and performance expectations.
  4. Aircraft Deicing impact on airport winter operations.
  5. Safety Management System (SMS) applications during winter operations.
  6. Interpreting and responding to Winter Weather Forecasting.
  7. Snow and Ice Control Equipment.
  8. Safe and applicable communication regulations, techniques and application.

Please note, the Snow Academy is only instructed at the Snow Symposium in Buffalo and therefore anyone wishing to attend the Snow Academy sessions must also attend the Snow Symposium. We will also be hosting the International Aviation Advanced Snow Academy at the same time.

Course Agenda

Click below for full agenda. Subject to change. Please check back for updates.

Registration Fees & Deadlines

You acknowledge that in registering for and attending this AAAE event, you agree to adhere to the cancellation policy noted below, AAAE's Duty of Care, and AAAE's Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions.


In U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Registration fees listed below are for the International Aviation Basic Snow Academy only. The 2025 NEC/AAAE International Aviation Snow Symposium has a separate registration fee.

If you are not seeing the correct pricing appear for your member type, please contact to complete your registration for the event.

March 14, 2025
March 14, 2025
All Attendees $595 $695

AAAE accepts registration regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, sex, physical disability and national or ethnic origin. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment and educational services. If you require any special assistance to participate or have special dietary requirements, email

Cancellation Policy:

Registrations, cancellations and refund requests must be submitted in writing. All cancellation requests for registrations received on or before Friday, April 11, 2025, are subject to a $125 cancellation processing fee; approved refunds will be processed after the meeting takes place. There will be no refunds of any kind after this date. Cancellations with outstanding invoices received within two weeks of the start of the conference, will require full payment on the balance due. Refunds will not be provided, and balance dues will not be forgiven for no-shows. Substitutions within the same conference will be accepted without penalties. The difference between member and non-member price will be charged if a non-member replaces a member. Substitutions will be accepted with a written request to The individual substituting for the original registrant is responsible for all financial obligations (balance due; difference in fees due to membership type) associated with that substitution. For all inquiries regarding cancellations, refunds and substitutions, please contact the AAAE Meetings Department at 703.824.0504 or email By submitting a completed registration form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the cancellation policy. Please note failure to receive a confirmation letter before an event will not be grounds for a refund or credit.

NOTE: AAAE reserves the right to postpone or cancel an event if the number of registrants is insufficient; due to acts of God; or any other reason beyond AAAE’s control. In this event, we will notify all registrants by email and credit the full registration fee towards another AAAE meeting, product or service. However, any costs incurred by the registrant, such as hotel cancellation or airline penalties, are the responsibility of the registrant. Confirmation letters will be emailed to attendees within two weeks of receipt of registration. However, if you have not received a confirmation email two business days prior to the meeting, and you enrolled at least two weeks prior to the meeting, please contact the AAAE Meetings Department at 703.824.0504 or email

Please note failure to receive a confirmation letter before an event will not be grounds for a refund.

AAAE Media Access Policy:

AAAE reserves the right to grant at their sole discretion access to TV, radio and print media organizations or individuals that have registered and received prior authorization from AAAE at least 72 hours prior to an AAAE event they wish to cover. Due to the sensitive nature of some discussions, not all sessions at some AAAE events will be open to media. AAAE retains the sole right to grant or refuse media access for any event or section of an event it operates. Please direct all inquiries to Brian Kalish.

Photo/Video Disclaimer

By registering for and attending any AAAE event, you agree that your name, voice, and image may be used at any time, without further notification, for recordings, printed materials, websites, social media, and other marketing purposes.

Hotel & Travel

Since the International Aviation Basic Snow Academy is being held in conjunction with the International Aviation Snow Symposium, visit the Symposium's webpage for hotel and travel information.


Class 1

Jim Moorhead - PIT
Gary Gleichman – Cryotech
Rich Brannon - Den
Caroline Bonynge - FAA

Class 2

Mike Carlson - Den
Brad Becker - MBS
Caroline Bonynge - FAA
Gary Gleichman – Cryotech

Contact Information

Questions? Contact Us!

Course Information
AAAE Training Department

Nikki Kince