Aviation Wildlife Management Conference
Environmental Sustainability, Compatibility, or Conflict: The Good, The Bad, and The Snarge!
August 26–28, 2025 | Portland, OR
Presented in Partnership with

The countdown to this event is over!
About the Conference
We look forward to welcoming you to Portland, OR from August 26–28 for the 2025 Aviation Wildlife Management Conference. This year's theme is Environmental Sustainability, Compatibility, or Conflict: The Good, The Bad, and The Snarge!
Attendees will observe informative presentations on strategies and site-specific approaches used to reduce the risk that wildlife pose to safe airport operations. There will be several opportunities throughout the conference to interact with a wide variety of stakeholders, subject matter experts, and partners in the industry. We encourage you to take advantage of this conference to expand your network by engaging with Bird Strike USA Steering Group members, presenters, and other civilian and military attendees. This conference will provide a collaborative atmosphere where proactive, reactive, and adaptive strategies are shared and improved. We look forward to advancing the common objective of providing safe airport environments by properly addressing aviation wildlife management issues.
Who Should Attend?
- Wildlife and wetland resource managers
- Land-use planners
- FAA inspectors - including airports, air traffic, and flight standards
- Airline and aircraft owners/operators
- Military and civilian personnel responsible for airfield operations
- University researchers
- Engineers
- Aviation representatives
- Aerospace manufacturers/industries
- Waste management operators
- Anyone interested in mitigating wildlife strikes
Keynote Speaker

Phil Shaw is founder of two international consulting firms that collectively employ nearly 200 people.
Ecosure was formed over 30 years ago and employs ecologists, wildlife biologists and field technicians to restore ecosystems, manage over-abundant populations and conserve threatened species. Ecosure’s big hairy audacious goal is to improve ecosystems across 100 million hectares and 1000 islands.
In 2008 Phil spun Avisure out of Ecosure to focus on his and many of his team’s passion and expertise – mitigating wildlife strike risks. Phil is internationally recognised as one our industry’s leaders and is on the ICAO Wildlife Management Expert Group. He is or has been on numerous national and international wildlife hazard committees and has completed projects at more than 100 airports in Africa, Asia, North America, the Middle East, South Pacific, New Zealand and Australia.
For more than 30 years, Phil has worked in the aviation and environment industry and as keynote speaker will provide a range of case studies on how aviation wildlife management can be done with sustainability and conservation in mind.
Please refer to last year's agenda for planning purposes. 2025 Agenda will be available soon.
Photo and Poster Contests
Photo Contest
The submission window for our photo contest closed on Thursday, August 1, 2024. Review our criteria and learn more.
Poster Contest
Aviation professionals are invited to submit artwork on aviation safety, focusing on bird strike reporting, wildlife hazard awareness, and prevention of bird/wildlife strikes at airports.
Monday, August 19
BSC USA Steering Committee Meeting
9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12 - 5 p.m.
Early Bird Training: Media Training
1 - 5 p.m.
Tuesday, August 20
Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors
7 - 8 a.m.
7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8 - 8:45 a.m.
Amy Anderson, Chair, Bird Strike Committee USA, Wildlife Biologist , Federal Aviation Administration
Brian Ryks, A.A.E., Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Airports Commission
James Laughlin, Chair, Annual Conference Committee, Wildlife Biologist, USDA Wildlife Services -
Keynote Address
8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
Dr. Kyle Horton, Colorado State University
Department of Fish, Wildlife, Conservation Biology -
Bird Strike Committee USA Updates and Awards
9:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Amy Anderson, Chair, Bird Strike Committee USA, National Wildlife Biologist Federal Aviation Administration
Emeritus Interview with Dr. Richard Dolbeer
9:45 - 10 a.m.
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
10 - 10:30 a.m.
Technical Sessions #1
Moderator: Laura Francoeur, Chief Wildlife Biologist, John F. Kennedy International Airport
10:30-11:30 TS1-P1 - Federal Roundtable UpdateJohn Weller, National Wildlife Biologist, Federal Aviation Administration
Mike Begier, National Coordinator, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA APHIS Wildlife
Dan Sullivan, Wildlife Biologist Chief, BASH Team, U.S. Air Force
James Higgins, BASH/NATOPS Program Manager, U.S. Navy11:30-12:00 TS1-P2 - Due Diligence in Analyzing Wildlife Strike Data to Pinpoint Gaps in Mitigation Efforts: a 35 Year Perspective
Richard Dolbeer, Ph.D., Science Advisor, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services -
Lunch with Exhibitors
12 - 1 p.m.
Technical Sessions #2
Moderator: Nick Atwell, Past Chair, Bird Strike Committee USA, Wildlife Program Manager, Port of Portland
1:00-1:30 TS2-P4 - Estimating the Impact of Airport Wildlife Hazards Management on Realized Wildlife Strike Risk
Levi Altringer, Ph.D., Research Economist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center
1:30-2:00 TS2-P5 - Applications of a MOTUS Compatible Automated Radio Telemetry Network for Birdstrike Management in and Around Airfields
Susan Ellis-Felege, Ph.D., Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of North Dakota
2:00-2:30 TS2-P6 - Human Fatalities and Destroyed Aircraft Due to Wildlife Strikes, 1912 to Present
Jeff Follett, Chief Executive Officer, Avisure -
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
2:30 - 3 p.m.
Technical Sessions #3
Moderator: Mike Begier, National Coordinator, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA Wildlife Services
3:00-4:00 TS3-P7 –Birdstrike Identification: A Fundamental Piece of Due, Smithsonian Institution Feather Identification Lab
Jim Whatton, Assistant Program Manager, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
Faridah Dahlan, Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
Sarah Luttrell, Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
Ingrid Rochon, Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
4:00-5:00 TS3-Vendor Presentations 1-12 -
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors and Poster Presentations
5:15 - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 21
U.S. Air Force Breakout Session
7 - 8 a.m.
8 - 11:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8 - 9 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions #1
CONCURRENT SESSION 1AHousekeeping: James Laughlin, Chair, Annual Conference CommitteeModerator: Selena Creed, C.M., Senior Wildlife Biologist, Wayne County Airport Authority09:00-09:30 CS1A-P8 - CS1A-P8 – Identifying Information Gaps in a Voluntary Strike Reporting System – Analysis of CLT Strike Data, 2021-2023
David J. Castaneda, Airport Wildlife Program Supervisor, Charlotte Douglas International Airport09:30-10:00 CS1A-P9 – Saratoga County Airport Off-Airport Karner Blue Butterfly and Frosted Elfin Habitat Mitigation
Thomas C. Wirickx, Senior Environmental Scientist, McFarland Johnson Inc.CONCURRENT SESSION 1B
Housekeeping: Megan Denean, Vice Chair, Annual Conference Committee
Moderator: Jeff Follett, Chief Executive Officer, Avisure
09:00-09:30 CS1B-P12 - Use of Fleet Data Analytics to Model Bird Strike Threat
Antoine Pilon, Propulsion Airworthiness & Safety Engineering Propulsion Leader, Airbus
09:30-10:00 CS1B-P13 - Avoidance Responses of Canada Geese to UASs Equipped with Onboard Lighting: Implications for Airport Hazing
Ryan Lunn, Ph.D., Candidate and Research Scientist, Purdue University -
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
10 - 10:30 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions #2
Moderator : James Higgins, BASH/NATOPS Program Manager, U.S. Navy
10:30-11:00 CS2A-P10 - Effects of a Non-Lethal Chemical Repellent on Airport Bird Communities
Billy Hackett, Business Manager - Flight Control Max, Arkion® Life Sciences
11:00-11:30 CS2A-P11 - Putting it All Together: Using Incursion, Transect, Control, Opportunistic, FLIR, and Birdstrike Data to Quantify Birdstrike Risk, Develop a Management Strategy, and Monitor the Effect(s)
Laurence M. Schafer, Airport Coordinator and Staff Wildlife Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife ServicesCONCURRENT SESSION 2B
Moderator: John Weller, National Wildlife Biologist, Federal Aviation Administration
10:30-11:00 CS2B-P14 - Wildlife Strike Risks in Urban Air Mobility: Insights from Helicopter Operations
Taeyun Kim, Postgraduate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
11:00-11:30 CS2B-P15 - “Right on Coo”: Effective White-winged Dove Operational Avoidance at Randolph AFB, Texas
Michael A. Pacheco, Staff Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services -
Bus Loading Field Trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport
11:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Field Trip: Lunch, Airport Tour, Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and Exhibitor Demonstrations
11:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
U.S. Navy BASH Working Group Meeting
5 - 7 p.m.
Bird Strike Quiz Bowl
7 - 9 p.m.
Thursday, August 22
Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors
8 - 9 a.m.
Technical Sessions #4
Housekeeping: Megan, Vice Chair, Annual Conference Committee
Moderator: Mike Begier, National Coordinator, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
09:00-09:30 TS4-P16 - Post Release Movements of 20 GPS Tagged Red-tailed Hawks Captured at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Mikki Viehoever, Wildlife Biologist, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
09:30-10:00 TS4-P17 - Post-Translocation Movements and Survivability of Hatch Year Red-tailed Hawks
Laurence M. Schafer, Airport Coordinator and Staff Wildlife Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services -
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
10 - 10:30 a.m.
Technical Sessions #5
Moderator: Ann Hodgson, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Resource Design10:30-11:00 TS5-P18 - The Legacy of the Hudson and its Impact on Wildlife Strike Reporting
Matthew Harman, Ph.D., Candidate, Resource Designs Inc. Natural Resource Research and Planning11:00-11:30 TS5-P19 - Assessing Bird Strike Likelihood at Southeastern Airports to Refine Bird Strike Risk Models
Caryn D. Ross, PhD Student, Wildlife Ecology, University of Georgia11:30-12:00 TS5-P20 - Avian Behavioral Responses to UAS Hazing Near a U.S. Part 139 Airport
Mackenzie R. Prichard, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of North Dakota -
Lunch with Exhibitors
12 - 1 p.m.
Technical Sessions #6
Moderator: Aaron Guikema, USDA Wildlife Services
1:00-1:30 TS6-P21 - Desert Vegetation and Habitat Management on USAF Airfield
Tom Correll, Wildlife Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services1:30-2:00 TS6-P22 - Using Integrated Surveillance Technology to Improve Wildlife Strike Reporting, Response, and Mitigation
Sara A. Handrigan, Client Services Coordinator, Accipiter Radar
2:00-2:30 TS6-P23 - Broad Spectrum Sound Saturation and Bird Habitat Denial: Preliminary Results of an Acoustic Deterrent System on U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni (Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan)
Taylor Houston, BASH Program Manager, ManTech International Corporation -
Closing Remarks
2:30 - 2:45 p.m.
BSC USA Committee Discussion
2:45 - 3:30 p.m.
Call for Proposals
Proposals received after April 30 may not be considered. See this example for formatting your presentation proposal. Include contact information for the lead presenter.
Monday, August 19
BSC USA Steering Committee Meeting
9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12 - 5 p.m.
Early Bird Training: Media Training
1 - 5 p.m.
Tuesday, August 20
Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors
7 - 8 a.m.
7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8 - 8:45 a.m.
Amy Anderson, Chair, Bird Strike Committee USA, Wildlife Biologist , Federal Aviation Administration
Brian Ryks, A.A.E., Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Airports Commission
James Laughlin, Chair, Annual Conference Committee, Wildlife Biologist, USDA Wildlife Services -
Keynote Address
8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
Dr. Kyle Horton, Colorado State University
Department of Fish, Wildlife, Conservation Biology -
Bird Strike Committee USA Updates and Awards
9:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Amy Anderson, Chair, Bird Strike Committee USA, National Wildlife Biologist Federal Aviation Administration
Emeritus Interview with Dr. Richard Dolbeer
9:45 - 10 a.m.
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
10 - 10:30 a.m.
Technical Sessions #1
Moderator: Laura Francoeur, Chief Wildlife Biologist, John F. Kennedy International Airport
10:30-11:30 TS1-P1 - Federal Roundtable UpdateJohn Weller, National Wildlife Biologist, Federal Aviation Administration
Mike Begier, National Coordinator, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA APHIS Wildlife
Dan Sullivan, Wildlife Biologist Chief, BASH Team, U.S. Air Force
James Higgins, BASH/NATOPS Program Manager, U.S. Navy11:30-12:00 TS1-P2 - Due Diligence in Analyzing Wildlife Strike Data to Pinpoint Gaps in Mitigation Efforts: a 35 Year Perspective
Richard Dolbeer, Ph.D., Science Advisor, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services -
Lunch with Exhibitors
12 - 1 p.m.
Technical Sessions #2
Moderator: Nick Atwell, Past Chair, Bird Strike Committee USA, Wildlife Program Manager, Port of Portland
1:00-1:30 TS2-P4 - Estimating the Impact of Airport Wildlife Hazards Management on Realized Wildlife Strike Risk
Levi Altringer, Ph.D., Research Economist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center
1:30-2:00 TS2-P5 - Applications of a MOTUS Compatible Automated Radio Telemetry Network for Birdstrike Management in and Around Airfields
Susan Ellis-Felege, Ph.D., Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of North Dakota
2:00-2:30 TS2-P6 - Human Fatalities and Destroyed Aircraft Due to Wildlife Strikes, 1912 to Present
Jeff Follett, Chief Executive Officer, Avisure -
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
2:30 - 3 p.m.
Technical Sessions #3
Moderator: Mike Begier, National Coordinator, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA Wildlife Services
3:00-4:00 TS3-P7 –Birdstrike Identification: A Fundamental Piece of Due, Smithsonian Institution Feather Identification Lab
Jim Whatton, Assistant Program Manager, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
Faridah Dahlan, Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
Sarah Luttrell, Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
Ingrid Rochon, Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institution, Feather Identification Lab
4:00-5:00 TS3-Vendor Presentations 1-12 -
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors and Poster Presentations
5:15 - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 21
U.S. Air Force Breakout Session
7 - 8 a.m.
8 - 11:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8 - 9 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions #1
CONCURRENT SESSION 1AHousekeeping: James Laughlin, Chair, Annual Conference CommitteeModerator: Selena Creed, C.M., Senior Wildlife Biologist, Wayne County Airport Authority09:00-09:30 CS1A-P8 - CS1A-P8 – Identifying Information Gaps in a Voluntary Strike Reporting System – Analysis of CLT Strike Data, 2021-2023
David J. Castaneda, Airport Wildlife Program Supervisor, Charlotte Douglas International Airport09:30-10:00 CS1A-P9 – Saratoga County Airport Off-Airport Karner Blue Butterfly and Frosted Elfin Habitat Mitigation
Thomas C. Wirickx, Senior Environmental Scientist, McFarland Johnson Inc.CONCURRENT SESSION 1B
Housekeeping: Megan Denean, Vice Chair, Annual Conference Committee
Moderator: Jeff Follett, Chief Executive Officer, Avisure
09:00-09:30 CS1B-P12 - Use of Fleet Data Analytics to Model Bird Strike Threat
Antoine Pilon, Propulsion Airworthiness & Safety Engineering Propulsion Leader, Airbus
09:30-10:00 CS1B-P13 - Avoidance Responses of Canada Geese to UASs Equipped with Onboard Lighting: Implications for Airport Hazing
Ryan Lunn, Ph.D., Candidate and Research Scientist, Purdue University -
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
10 - 10:30 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions #2
Moderator : James Higgins, BASH/NATOPS Program Manager, U.S. Navy
10:30-11:00 CS2A-P10 - Effects of a Non-Lethal Chemical Repellent on Airport Bird Communities
Billy Hackett, Business Manager - Flight Control Max, Arkion® Life Sciences
11:00-11:30 CS2A-P11 - Putting it All Together: Using Incursion, Transect, Control, Opportunistic, FLIR, and Birdstrike Data to Quantify Birdstrike Risk, Develop a Management Strategy, and Monitor the Effect(s)
Laurence M. Schafer, Airport Coordinator and Staff Wildlife Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife ServicesCONCURRENT SESSION 2B
Moderator: John Weller, National Wildlife Biologist, Federal Aviation Administration
10:30-11:00 CS2B-P14 - Wildlife Strike Risks in Urban Air Mobility: Insights from Helicopter Operations
Taeyun Kim, Postgraduate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
11:00-11:30 CS2B-P15 - “Right on Coo”: Effective White-winged Dove Operational Avoidance at Randolph AFB, Texas
Michael A. Pacheco, Staff Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services -
Bus Loading Field Trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport
11:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Field Trip: Lunch, Airport Tour, Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and Exhibitor Demonstrations
11:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
U.S. Navy BASH Working Group Meeting
5 - 7 p.m.
Bird Strike Quiz Bowl
7 - 9 p.m.
Thursday, August 22
Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors
8 - 9 a.m.
Technical Sessions #4
Housekeeping: Megan, Vice Chair, Annual Conference Committee
Moderator: Mike Begier, National Coordinator, Airports Wildlife Hazards Program, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
09:00-09:30 TS4-P16 - Post Release Movements of 20 GPS Tagged Red-tailed Hawks Captured at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Mikki Viehoever, Wildlife Biologist, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
09:30-10:00 TS4-P17 - Post-Translocation Movements and Survivability of Hatch Year Red-tailed Hawks
Laurence M. Schafer, Airport Coordinator and Staff Wildlife Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services -
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
10 - 10:30 a.m.
Technical Sessions #5
Moderator: Ann Hodgson, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Resource Design10:30-11:00 TS5-P18 - The Legacy of the Hudson and its Impact on Wildlife Strike Reporting
Matthew Harman, Ph.D., Candidate, Resource Designs Inc. Natural Resource Research and Planning11:00-11:30 TS5-P19 - Assessing Bird Strike Likelihood at Southeastern Airports to Refine Bird Strike Risk Models
Caryn D. Ross, PhD Student, Wildlife Ecology, University of Georgia11:30-12:00 TS5-P20 - Avian Behavioral Responses to UAS Hazing Near a U.S. Part 139 Airport
Mackenzie R. Prichard, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of North Dakota -
Lunch with Exhibitors
12 - 1 p.m.
Technical Sessions #6
Moderator: Aaron Guikema, USDA Wildlife Services
1:00-1:30 TS6-P21 - Desert Vegetation and Habitat Management on USAF Airfield
Tom Correll, Wildlife Biologist, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services1:30-2:00 TS6-P22 - Using Integrated Surveillance Technology to Improve Wildlife Strike Reporting, Response, and Mitigation
Sara A. Handrigan, Client Services Coordinator, Accipiter Radar
2:00-2:30 TS6-P23 - Broad Spectrum Sound Saturation and Bird Habitat Denial: Preliminary Results of an Acoustic Deterrent System on U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni (Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan)
Taylor Houston, BASH Program Manager, ManTech International Corporation -
Closing Remarks
2:30 - 2:45 p.m.
BSC USA Committee Discussion
2:45 - 3:30 p.m.
Registration Fees & Deadlines
You acknowledge that in registering for and attending this AAAE event, you agree to adhere to the cancellation policy noted below, AAAE & BSC-USA's Duty of Care, and AAAE & BSC-USA's Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions.
If you are not seeing the correct pricing appear for your member type, please contact member.services@aaae.org to complete your registration for this event.
On/Before July 11, 2025 |
After July 11, 2025 |
All Attendees | $475 | $550 |
Students* | $150 | $150 |
*In order to receive the discounted rate, students must provide a copy of their student ID indicating full-time status and cannot be employed by an aviation industry organization. Email student ID to aaaemeetings@aaae.org with receipt of registration payment.
AAAE accepts registration regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, sex, physical disability and national or ethnic origin. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment and educational services. If you require any special assistance to participate or have special dietary requirements, email aaaemeetings@aaae.org.
Cancellation Policy:
Registrations and cancellations must be submitted in writing. Cancellation requests received before Friday, August 8, 2025, are subject to a $125 processing fee and will be processed after the meeting takes place. There will be no refunds after this date. Substitutions will be accepted without penalties and no-shows will be billed. For all inquiries regarding cancellations and refunds, please contact the AAAE Meetings Department at 703.824.0500 or email aaaemeetings@aaae.org. By submitting a completed registration form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the cancellation policy.
NOTE: AAAE reserves the right to postpone or cancel an event if the number of registrants is insufficient; due to acts of God; or any other reason beyond AAAE’s control. In this event, we will notify all registrants and credit the full registration fee towards another AAAE meeting, product or service. However, any costs incurred by the registrant, such as hotel cancellation or airline penalties, are the responsibility of the registrant. Confirmation letters will be emailed to attendees within two weeks of receipt of registration. However, if you have not received a confirmation email two business days prior to the meeting, and you enrolled at least two weeks prior to the meeting, please contact the AAAE Meetings Department at 703.824.0504 or AAAEmeetings@aaae.org. Please note failure to receive a confirmation letter before an event will not be grounds for a refund.
Media Access Policy
AAAE reserves the right to grant at its sole discretion access to TV, radio and print media organizations or individuals that have registered and received prior authorization from AAAE at least 72 hours prior to an AAAE event they wish to cover. Due to the sensitive nature of some discussions, not all sessions at some AAAE events will be open to media. AAAE retains the sole right to grant or refuse media access for any event or section of an event it operates.
Hotel & Travel

Hotel Accommodations
The main conference sessions will be held at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, located at 1401 SW Naito Parkway. For your convenience, a block of rooms has been made available and all attendees will receive a rate of $155 per night (single/double). The last day to receive this discounted rate is Friday, August 1, 2025. Rooms may sell out before this date, be sure to make your reservation today! Reservations made after this date only can be honored on a space available basis at the hotel’s prevailing rates. To book your room, please use the online reservation link or call the hotel directly at 800.228.9290 and ask for the AAAE meeting rate. Cancellation of guaranteed reservations must be received 48 hours prior to arrival in order to avoid a charge equal to one night’s room and tax.
The Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront is located 12 miles from Portland International 20-25 minutes. Alternatively, Transportation Network Companies (TNC) Uber and Lyft do operate at the airport, as well as light rail, and may be less expensive. Get more information on ground transportation at PDX.
Air Travel
United Airlines and Delta Air Lines have been selected as the official air carriers for this meeting.
United Airlines has been selected as one of the official air carriers for this meeting. You may book online via www.united.com and enter the Offer Code ZQ59414458 in the Offer Code box or call United Reservations Meetings Desk at 800.426.1122 and provide the Z Code ZQ59 and Agreement Code 414458. For all tickets issued through United Meetings Reservations Desk, there will be a $25 per ticket service fee collected. This fee is subject to change without notice. Such service fee is nonrefundable and applies to all itineraries, one-way or round-trip. Black-out dates apply.
Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounts for American Association of Airport Executives. Please click here to book your flights. You may also call Delta Meeting Network® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (CT) and refer to Meeting Event Code NY3L2.
*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.
Make a Lasting Impression by Sponsoring & Exhibiting!
This conference's powerful audience includes:
Airport employees who implement wildlife hazard management
Military and civilian personnel responsible for airfield operations
FAA Certification Inspectors
FAA Environmental Protections Specialists
FAA and Military Air Traffic Control
USDA Wildlife Services personnel
Consultants, contractors, and government employees involved in wildlife hazard management
Pilots, airlines, and aviation stakeholders
Land-use planners
University researchers and students
Waste management operators
Federal, State, and Local wildlife, wetland, or natural resource managers
Anyone interested in controlling conflicts between birds and aviation

Tabletop Exhibits
This three-day conference highlights recent developments and ideas in addressing wildlife hazards to aircraft that occur in the airport environment. As an exhibitor, you will connect with more than 300 industry experts ready and eager to learn more about your products and services.
Each tabletop comes with one complimentary registration.
Exhibit Fees (in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank) |
On or Before July 11 |
After July 11 |
Exhibit Table |
$2,000 |
$2,300 |
Additional Booth Personnel |
$475 |
$525 |
Tabletop & Sponsorship Package |
Pricing |
Exhibit Table and Continental Breakfast Package (Co-Sponsor) |
$3,740 |
Exhibit Table and Lunch Package (Co-Sponsor) |
$4,675 |
Confirmed Exhibitors

This three-day conference highlights recent developments and ideas in addressing wildlife hazards to aircraft that occur in the airport environment. As a sponsor, you will connect with more than 300 industry experts ready and eager to learn more about your products and services.
Sponsorships are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, so act now before these opportunities are gone! Gain an advantage over the competition before we sell out; sign up to sponsor today.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Tuesday, August 26
Welcome Reception
Exclusive: $12,000
Co-Sponsor: $3,500
Wednesday, August 27
Continental Breakfast
Exclusive: $4,600
Co-Sponsor: $2,300
AM Refreshment Break
Exclusive: $4,000
Co-Sponsor: $2,000
Thursday, August 28
Continental Breakfast
Exclusive: $4,600
Co-Sponsor: $2,300
AM Refreshment Break
Exclusive: $4,000
Co-Sponsor: $2,000
Box Lunch with Exhibitors
Exclusive: $4,000
Co-Sponsor: $2,000
Sponsor Items
Other Sponsorships
Exclusive: $3,850
Delegate Name Badges
Exclusive: $4,400
Note Pads & Pens*
Exclusive: $3,850
Exclusive: $4,000
Quiz Bowl
Co-Sponsor: $1,800
*Sponsor must provide item.
Please contact Lisa C. Williams, CMP, CEM at 703.824.0504, ext. 227 with any questions about exhibiting or sponsoring.
Contact Information
Questions? Contact Us!
Megan Baker
Bird Strike Committee Program Chair
Registration & Hotel
Dan Reilly
Nikki Kince
Sponsorship & Exhibits
Lisa C. Williams, CMP, CEM
703.824.0500, ext. 227
Press & Media Inquiries
Brian Kalish