Code of Ethics

As a professional Airport Executive in the performance of my duties and responsibilities, I pledge to:

Be dedicated to the safe, efficient, and economic operation of airports and the national air transportation system and believe that professional management is the method to achieve this objective.

Be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to earn and retain the respect and confidence of public officials, employees, and the general public.

Refrain from participation in the election of the members of the employing governmental body and from all partisan political activities that would compromise the performance of a professional executive.

Resist any encroachment on professional responsibility and duties, believing that the executive should be free to carry out official policies without interference and handle each problem without discrimination on the basis of principle and justice.

Neither seek nor accept any favor or gift from persons or firms under which circumstances could be reasonably inferred that the favor would influence or compromise the executive or governing body.

Submit policy proposals to the employing governmental body and officials, provide them with facts and advice on matters of policy as a basis for making decisions and establishing airport goals, implement and execute policies adopted by the governing officials.

Recognize that elected and/or appointed officials are responsible for the establishment of airport policies and that policy execution is the responsibility of the airport executive.

Keep the community informed on airport affairs; encourage communication between the users, citizens, and all public officials; emphasize friendly and courteous service to the public, and constantly seek to improve the quality and public image of the airport executives.

Handle all personnel matters on the basis of merit in order that fairness and impartiality govern the executive's decision pertaining to appointments, salary adjustments, promotions, and discipline.

Strive to continually improve professional competence and ability through education and research, and to encourage the professional development of associates and subordinates.

Conduct myself in my public and personal life in a matter in accordance with the rules of civil and criminal law.

Refrain from sharing any information pertaining to the phases of the accreditation process, with the exception of approved management research papers and case studies.