Certified Member Program (C.M.)


Earning your C.M. is a great way to show your dedication to your airport career. This designation signifies that you have a diverse knowledge of the primary functions of how an airport operates and can provide the opportunity to progress up the ranks in a close knit community. The program is open to Affiliate, Associate, Participating, Corporate, Military and Academic Graduate members of AAAE. Certified Member is a useful credential when seeking employment within the airport management profession and for students and corporate members who interact with airport professionals.

To become a C.M., a member must successfully complete a 180-question, multiple-choice examination. AAAE provides electronic study materials, as well as special training courses to help you prepare for the exam.

Once you pass the exam, you will forever be a C.M., with all the rights and privileges, as long as you maintain AAAE membership. If you meet the additional criteria for an Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.), your exam completion will transfer to your A.A.E. program, should you choose to advance your career further.


  • Learn from aviation professionals with extensive experience in airport management
  • Become a more well-rounded airport professional, and use your knowledge to improve the safety and efficiency of your airport
  • Increase your promotional and career opportunities in the aviation field
  • Earn a prestigious designation and become a part of an elite group of airport professionals
  • Land a seat at the table with top airport executives
  • Get one step closer to becoming an Accredited Airport Executive

Questions? Contact the Accreditation Department at accreditation@aaae.org

Need an Invoice?

Contact registrationuser@aaae.org

New Technology to Help You Earn Your C.M.

AAAE has partnered with Blank Slate Technologies to offer an app-based tool designed to assist members in preparing for the C.M. exam. This interactive app leverages cognitive science and machine learning to prevent knowledge gaps by continuously assessing, reinforcing, and predicting the user’s knowledge level. The system is equipped with practice questions similar to those found on the C.M. exam. By dedicating just a few minutes each week, this innovative technology helps candidates identify and focus on topics that require the most attention. It is intended to guide study efforts by pinpointing knowledge gaps and is NOT meant to replace the modules. This app is most effective when used a few weeks before your exam date. Click here for more information about the app.
C.M. candidates can subscribe to the Quiz App for 90 days for $150 and can renew for an additional 90 days, as needed.
(This is in addition to the C.M. program registration of $250.)

Subscribe Now

Eligibility Requirements

Prospective C.M. candidates must meet the following requirements to be accepted into the program:

  • Active membership in AAAE or IAAE. The following member types are eligible for the C.M. program: Affiliate, Associate, Participating, Military, Corporate, Academic Graduate, and Retired Affiliate

(Note: student members must first upgrade their membership status to that of Academic Graduate.)

  • Payment of membership dues and C.M. program fee of $250

C.M. Process

1. Application and fees

First, if you haven't already, determine your level of membership in AAAE. If needed, use the Certified Member application to apply for membership and the C.M. program. Annual fees for membership are separate from the one-time program fee.

Next, please submit  your application on-line or by mail/fax along with the $250 program fee (and your first year's membership fee, if applicable). The one-time $250 C.M. program fee includes:

  • Access to electronic study materials (hard copies can be purchased here for an additional fee)

  • One-time access to the Internet based exam

  • Enrollment fee is non-refundable and non-transferable

2. Choose your method of study

After receiving electronic access to the Body of Knowledge modules, download and begin studying immediately and take the exam when you are ready, or attend the AAAE/SCAAAE Loretta Scott, A.A.E., Accreditation/Certification Academy

3. Arrange to take the multiple-choice exam

A minimum of two weeks' notice is required for all exams. Candidates can schedule their exams here. A computer with a webcam, internal microphone and internet connection is required for all exams. Review the exam instructions and guidelines prior to scheduling an exam. Please refer to the FAQ’s for detailed information.

4. Successful completion of the multiple-choice exam

Candidates will receive a Pass/Fail result via email upon completion of the exam. Under usual circumstances, it can take up to ten business days for official results to be sent to the candidate from AAAE.

Successful completion of the multiple-choice exam includes scoring a 70% or above (answering 126 questions out of a possible 180). Additionally, new Certified Members receive the privilege of using the C.M. designation behind their name, a certificate of completion and a lapel pin. Academic Graduate members will receive their C.M. designation, certificate, and lapel pin upon providing proof of graduation from a four-year college.

Affiliate members who receive the C.M. designation, and wish to upgrade to the Accredited Airport Executive program may do so at any time for an additional fee.


What are the requirements and procedures for joining the Certified Member Program?

The requirements are as follows:

  1. Membership in AAAE or IAAE
  2. Payment of AAAE membership dues and the C.M. program enrollment fee

Can Academic Members join the Certified Member Program?

Academic members must upgrade their membership to the Academic Graduate level in order to join the C.M. program. Academic and Academic Graduate Membership is available only to full-time students enrolled in an undergraduate program of study. If you are already an Academic Member, your current dues will be applied toward the new Academic Graduate category. Refer to the examples below for fee information.

Current student members would be required to pay the following fees:

  • Upgrade to Academic Graduate Membership $110 ($150 Academic Graduate membership minus current academic member dues of $40)
  • Certified Member Program Fee: $250.00
  • Total fees due: $360.00
New student members would be required to pay the following fees:
  • Academic Graduate Membership: $150.00
  • Certified Member Program Fee: $250.00
  • Total fees due: $400.00

Although "Academic Graduates" are allowed to join the program, they will not receive, nor be recognized by AAAE as a C.M. until they have successfully passed the AAAE multiple-choice examination, and shown proof of graduation from a four-year institution of higher learning.

When will I be notified about the results of my application?

Once AAAE processes you application (which could take 3-5 business days), you will receive e-mail notification regarding your acceptance into the program. If for some reason your application cannot be accepted, we will notify you of the reasons by e-mail. To expedite the process, please make sure you are an active AAAE member.

Do I have to work for an airport to join the program?

No, the Certified Member program is open to all active members of AAAE. However, Academic members must upgrade to Academic Graduate status before entering the Program.

Is a college degree required to enroll in the C.M. program?

No. However, Academic Graduate members who enroll in the C.M. program and pass the exam, must show proof of graduation before they can use the credentials behind their name.

How much does the program cost?

Anyone wishing to join the Certified Member program must be an active member of AAAE and pay a one-time fee of $250.00. This fee includes registration, access to electronic study materials, and a one-time examination fee. Candidates who need to retake the exam will be assessed an additional $75 for each retake. Hard copies of the Body of Knowledge modules may be purchased here for and additional cost.

Afterwards, if I want to join the Accreditation Program, is the test transferable?

Yes. Provided that you meet all the criteria for enrollment in the accreditation program, you may transfer your successful completion of the C.M. multiple-choice examination. The tests are identical in both programs. Please visit the Accreditation Program pages for detailed requirements.

Will I be able to use the designation "C.M." after my name after I successfully complete the exam?

You may use the "C.M." designation provided that your membership in AAAE is current, and if AAAE headquarters has a record of your successful completion of the multiple-choice examination. Academic Graduate members must show proof of graduation from a four-year college before utilizing the C.M. designation.

Are there any time limits to complete the exam after I register for the program?

No, there are no time limits.

What benefits will I receive as an AAAE Certified Member?

In addition to learning more about the aviation industry and enhancing your career and professional opportunities with a highly respected credential, you will receive from AAAE a Certified Member certificate and lapel pin. You will also receive visibility and recognition as the C.M. designation will appear behind your name in all AAAE correspondence, including meeting rosters and our membership directory.

How many questions are there on the Certified Member (C.M.) multiple-choice exam?

There are 180 multiple-choice questions on the exam.

How can I study for the multiple-choice examination?

AAAE provides C.M. and A.A.E. program candidates with free electronic access to the Body of Knowledge modules necessary to prepare for the multiple-choice examination. Please be sure that you are logged into your account before attempting to access the electronic modules. Hard copies of the Body of Knowledge modules can be purchased here for $50.

When and how can I take the AAAE multiple-choice examination?

All exams will be taken online through a remote proctoring system. Candidates can schedule their exams here. Candidates must review the exam instructions and guidelines prior to scheduling an exam. A minimum of two weeks' notice is required for all exams. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in AAAE invalidating your exam.

What do I need to take the multiple-choice examination?

This is an electronic exam. The following equipment will be needed to administer the exam:

  1. Computer with Internet capability, a webcam and internal microphone
  2. Secure Internet Connection
  3. Google Chrome or Firefox browsers

Who may proctor the multiple-choice examination?

All exams are now administered through a secure online platform, and a live proctor is no longer needed. All sessions will be recorded to ensure that candidates follow the rules and guidelines set forth for all certification exams. 

How long will it take to receive the test results?

Candidates will receive an email with preliminary Pass/Fail results within 24 hours of taking your exam.

  • Once your exam session is evaluated for adherence to the guidelines, your full results will be emailed to you within one week of your exam date.
  • If you have passed the exam, you will also receive a packet in the mail with your certificate and pin. If you have failed, then you will receive emailed instructions regarding a retake.

If I don't pass, how many times can I re-take the multiple-choice exam?

There are no limits as to how many times a candidate may re-take the multiple-choice exam. However, there is a mandatory wait period of 30 days between re-takes, and a $75 fee for each attempt at the exam.

Can I take the exam in the Paper format?

Paper exams are no longer available.

Please email the AAAE Accreditation Department with any further questions.

Module Description

C.M. and A.A.E. Program Candidates can download the modules for free by clicking on the Study Materials button on the C.M. or A.A.E. program page. These modules will be updated every few years. Other changes may be made as necessary. Please always check back for the latest editions and any changes to the modules. Click Here to Order hard copies of AAAE's Body of Knowledge modules, for an additional fee. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for shipment of the study materials, once payment for the order has been received. All module sales are final and non-refundable.

Current Modules Were Published August 2022

Module 1 - Finance and Administration

  • Objective 1: Describe the historical principles that have guided airport management, and identify the airport stakeholders, their primary functions, and their expectations for the airport.
  • Objective 2: Obtain a basic understanding of how flight operations work in the U.S. airspace system.  
  • Objective 3: Know the various types of structures for an Airport Sponsor and the fundamental role and challenges of the Airport Executive, and understand the primary federal regulations and other documents that limit or mandate certain airport management and operational practices.
  • Objective 4: Understand the definitions and restrictions of airport land use.
  • Objective 5: Understand the federal requirements in airport financial management, and the federal policies that influence the setting of airport rates and charges.
  • Objective 6: Understand the unique airport uses and concerns related to Other Related Airport Business Operations, key principles in commercial development and airport property management.
  • Objective 7: Understand the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) process, how projects are evaluated, prioritized, and partially funded by the FAA, and other sources of capital development monies available to airports.

Module 2 - Planning, Construction & Environmental

  • Objective 1: Describe the types of plans and planning processes that affect a public-use airport.
  • Objective 2: Describe the purpose of the Airport Master Plan and the steps in the process.
  • Objective 3: Describe the basic elements of airfield design, including runway, taxiway and apron design, the design of other landing facilities, airspace protection, and airport construction.
  • Objective 4: Describe the various types of airport terminal design considerations, including terminal layouts and design features.
  • Objective 5: Describe the environmental requirements and processes associated with operating a public-use airport.
  • Objective 6: Describe the airspace classifications, and how the air traffic control and navigational aid systems operate in the U.S.

Module 3 - Airport Operations, Security & Maintenance

  • Objective 1: Describe the role of the Airport Executive in ensuring a safe operating environment, particularly as related to Title 14 CFR Part 139.
  • Objective 2: Understand the regulatory requirements of maintaining airport pavement, condition and inspection, and other safety standards such as signs, markings, and lighting.
  • Objective 3: Understand the regulatory requirements for certain airport safety programs such as the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan, the Snow and Ice Control Plan, and other related programs required by Part 139.
  • Objective 4: Understand the regulatory requirements related to the Airport Emergency Plan and the elements of incident command.
  • Objective 5: Describe the expectations and desires of passengers, tenants, and other stakeholders related to the operation of the terminal and landside areas; understand the requirements and issues related to unmanned aerial vehicle operations.
  • Objective 6: Describe the regulatory requirements for airport operators related to the Transportation Security Regulations and the current threat to airports and aircraft operators.

Module 4 - Communications & Community Relations

  • Objective 1: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Airport Executive within a politically charged environment;
  • Objective 2: Understand the airports’ responsibility to the community related to the noise generated by its operation.
  • Objective 3: Understand the role of the airport in marketing for its own purposes and for the benefit of the community in which it serves.
  • Objective 4: Understand how to effectively transmit information to the public via the mainstream media and social media; how to work with reporters to either generate positive publicity when desired, or handle mitigate the damage of negative publicity or misinformation during the public information responsibilities during a crisis

Important Links:


AAAE has partnered with Blank Slate Technologies to offer an app-based tool designed to assist members in preparing for the C.M. exam. This interactive app leverages cognitive science and machine learning to prevent knowledge gaps by continuously assessing, reinforcing, and predicting the user’s knowledge level. The system is equipped with practice questions similar to those found on the C.M. exam. By dedicating just a few minutes each week, this innovative technology helps candidates identify and focus on topics that require the most attention. It is intended to guide study efforts by pinpointing knowledge gaps and is NOT meant to replace the modules. This app is most effective when used a few weeks before your exam date. Click here for more information about the app. Click here for more information on how to use the app and the science behind it.
C.M. candidates can purchase the C.M. Quiz App for $150 for a 90-day subscription.
(This is in addition to the C.M. program registration of $250.)


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