IAAE Competency Building Services (CBS)

An IAAE/ASI-Institute Partnership

What is Competency Building?

For airport executives to succeed, they must be adept in governance, infrastructure, operations, and especially human capital, despite budget constraints. People are an airport's most valuable asset, and investing in their skills leads to significant productivity improvements. Audits often reveal gaps in human capital, particularly in management competencies. To address this, the industry is moving towards Competency Building Master Plans (CBMPs), which align training with organizational goals and require clear ROI justifications, marking a shift from traditional training approaches. These plans are integral to the entrepreneurial culture at leading airports. Additionally, ICAO endorses competency-based training as a method to improve aviation industry learning effectively.

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A Comprehensive Measurement Tool

What distinguishes our Competency Building Services? We tailor our training efforts to meet the unique needs and performance goals of your organization, ensuring each initiative is backed by solid justifications for return on investments (ROIs).

Future-Wise Strategic Business Planning

Future-Wise Strategic Business Planning

Competency Building Master Plans

Competency Building Master Plans

Airport IT Master Planning

Airport IT Master Planning

Incorporating AI and Digital Transformation
Next-Gen Airport Operations Control Centers

Next-Gen Airport Operations Control Centers

Contemporary Air Service Development Strategies

Contemporary Air Service Development Strategies

Performance-based Facilities Management

Performance-based Facilities Management

Revenue Stream Diversification

Revenue Stream Diversification

Who is the ASI Institute?

The ASI-Institute (ASI-I) is the aviation management competency building division of Aviation Strategies International (ASI). It is an ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Full Member and is uniquely positioned to provide tailored, objective, and empowering services that capitalize on international best practices to enable clients to accelerate their performance.

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