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USCTA Alerts

USCTA Virtual Meeting Next Week

On behalf of USCTA Chair Clara Bennett, I would like to invite you to participate in a virtual USCTA meeting next week. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 11 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST.

FAA Announces Deadlines for Use of FY24 AIP Entitlement Funds

On April 3, the FAA announced the deadlines for submitting a notice of intent (NOI) and final grant application for the use of primary, cargo, and nonprimary entitlement funds that are available under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) for fiscal year 2024 (FY24).

FAA Releases Notice of Funding Opportunity for FY23

On March 29, the FAA released the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) that outlines how airports can apply for a share of approximately $268.7 million in fiscal year 2023 (FY23) supplemental discretionary grant funding.

Please Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Airport Priorities in FY25 Appropriations Bill

With Congress finally completing action on the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations bills, lawmakers are quickly gearing up for the FY25 appropriations process.

Please Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Airport Priorities in Final FAA Bill

Lawmakers and staff are continuing to try to resolve their differences over the House and Senate versions of the FAA reauthorization bill before the current short-term extension expires on May 10.

FAA Releases Another Round Grants for Contract Tower Upgrades

On March 21, the FAA today released another round of infrastructure grants for airports that participate in the FAA Contract Tower Program to upgrade sponsor-owned air traffic control towers.

White House Releases Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request

On March 11, the White House unveiled a fiscal year 2025 budget request that proposes $3.35 billion for AIP and $8 billion over the next five years to upgrade FAA facilities and radars.

Senate Clears Final FY24 DOT/FAA Spending Bill

On March 8, the Senate approved a six-bill appropriations package that includes funding for the DOT and FAA for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024.

Agreement Reached on Final FY24 DOT/FAA Spending Bill; Funding Details Emerge

Congressional leaders on March 3, released the details of a six-bill consolidated appropriations bill for fiscal year 2024 that includes final funding amounts for the DOT and FAA for the current fiscal year that runs through September.

Save the Date for USCTA Annual Conference!

The U.S. Contract Tower Association will be holding its Annual Conference in Washington, DC on June 27 and 28. So, please save those dates!
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